quinta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2010


O Dia Europeu das Línguas celebra-se no dia 26 de Setembro. A nossa turma aderiu às actividades programadas pelo Departamento de Línguas da Escola EBI André de Resende. O tema seleccionado para este ano foi a alimentação.
Mostramos alguns resultados da nossa pesquisa:

An English Nursery Rhyme

Oranges and lemons
Say the bells of St. Clement's.

When will you pay me?
Say the bells of Old Bailey.

When I grow rich,
Say the bells of Shoreditch.

Old English Rhyme
Little Jack Horner
Little Jack Horner sat in the corner,
Eating a Christmas pie:
He put in his thumb, and pulled out a plum,
And said, "What a good boy am I!"

The Fruit Rap
An apple or an orange
A pear or a banana,
These are OK
To eat on the beach.
I also like peach
And all sort of berries.
But my favourite fruit
Are juicy red cherries.

Food, food I love you so.
I will always love you wherever I go.
Food, food you may not know,
But in my life, you play the leading role

I love food, I love food
It makes me feel really good
Yummy and nutritious food
Keeps me in a superb mood

Burgers and fries,
They are the one that stifles my hunger cries.
Popcorn chicken and buffalo wings,
Whenever I see you, with joy my heart sings.

Smoothies and milkshake,
They all go great with a nice chocolate cake.
Ice cream and whip cream,
Why couldn’t I get you out of my dream?


One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.
Virgina Woolf

All happiness depends upon a leisurely breakfast.
John Gunter

There is no such thing as a pretty good omelette.
French Proverb

A smiling face is half the meal.
Latvian Proverb

There is no such thing as little garlic.

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